Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Discovering a better you!

When you get up in the morning do you have a clear direction for your day, many of us do but is it the best direction for you?

Take this self examination now and discover what the heck are you doing with your life: 

Here are 10 simple questions to ask yourself & get ready to learn more about YOU and receive insight into how you can change.

1.  Are you excited to wake up each day to continue down the path you have started on in life?

2. Do you constantly wonder if you are doing what you are destined to do?

3. Do you smile and have lots of energy?

4. Are you excited to share with others new things you have learned?

5. When asked about what you do, do you hesitate and become embarrassed or make up lies about it or beat around the bush?

6. Do you often look over the fence thinking that the grass looks much greener on the other side?

7.  When going about your day do you just wish the day was over or you could just get away from it all?

8. When you get home do you want to forget all about your day?

9. When you go to sleep at night do you think or dream about the day or week ahead of you and how excited you are to get back at it?

10. How often do you consider that you are just too old to change?

NOW if you answered YES to any number of these questions maybe you do need to change, or at least get a better outlook on life!!

Tune in for self help tips in upcoming blogs for more on changing you!